
The world of exclusive living.

Gefriergetrocknete Nudeln, die man schnell mit heissem Wasser aufgieassen kann, Feier in Japan und Hongkong in Cup Noodles Müssen ihre Erfindung. Die Holzhütte, in der die Nudel angeblich erfunden wurde, steht als originalgetreuer Nachbau in einem der Räume. Ausserdem gibt es ein interaktives Nudelquiz, ein Cup Noodles Drama Theatre und einen Degustationsraum, der verschiedene Cup Noodles auftischt.  ZurückWeiter
Junge Frauen mit Kopftüchern stehen an Nirostatischen in der Versuchsküche.
© Cup Noodle Museum, Osaka
14 odd places you probably haven’t visited yet.

Anyone who has travelled a lot is slowly becoming familiar with all the world’s hotspots, from the Forbidden City in Beijing and the Sydney Opera House to the Louvre in Paris and the Statue of Liberty in New York. That’s why GEO.DE – GEO’s online magazine – has searched for places worth seeing that you probably don’t know yet.

archdaily shows what you can do with old industrial buildings.

When the economic structure is changing, industrial areas are being repurposed. This development is a reality in Switzerland. Where industrial products were once produced, such as in Uetikon directly at Lake Zurich, or The Valley in Kempttal or the Klybeck area in Basel, new uses are being created in attractive architectural environments. The online magazine archdaily recently used numerous examples from the international arena to show how these conversions are being realised elsewhere.

The Wakker Prize 2024 of the Schweizer Heimatschutz goes to Verein Birsstadt.

In 2024, the prestigious Wakker Prize will go to the Verein Birsstadt. The association shows that challenges in agglomerations can be better solved through cross-municipal and cross-cantonal cooperation, writes the Schweizer Heimatschutz in its justification for awarding the prize to this cross-cantonal cooperation of ten municipalities.