The Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado is showing his successful exhibition “Amazônia” in the Maag Hall in Zurich West until 13 August 2023. He has dedicated it to the world’s largest rainforest and its indigenous population. With over 200 black-and-white photographs, he transports the viewer into the midst of magnificent vegetation. They convey the majesty of the vast plains and the mighty mountain ranges of the Amazon region. They give us a glimpse of the sound of the rain, the waterfalls and rivers and document the life and struggle for survival of man and animal. Sebastião Salgado is a well-known contemporary photographer who understands like no other how to document the finite in a visual way.

Arquipélagode Marauiá, MeüdioRio Negro. Estado do Amazonas, Brasil, 2019 © Sebastião Salgado
Created and curated by Lélia Wanick Salgado, “Amazônia” takes the audience on a fantastic journey through the Amazon rainforest. In doing so, Salgado highlights the fragility of the ecosystem of the “selva” and points out the urgency of its protection with concise imagery.

Serra do Marauiá. Terra indígenaYanomami, Municípiode São Gabriel da Cachoeira, estadodo Amazonas, Brasil, 2018 © SebastiãoSalgado
Salgado hält die Sanftheit der Landschaft ebenso fest wie die Urkräfte der Elemente, die das Leben im Regenwald prägen. Er dokumentiert das Leben der Ureinwohnerinnen und Ureinwohner des Amazonas und erzählt neben vielem anderem, wie der einst vom Aussterben bedrohte 450-köpfige Stamm der Awá-Guajá die Kontrolle über sein Land und seine Kultur zurückgewonnen hat.

Rio Cauaburi, terraindígenaYanomami, estadodo Amazonas, Brasil, 2018 © SebastiãoSalgado
An audio track composed especially for the exhibition by the French musician Jean-Michel Jarre accompanies visitors on their walk through “Amazônia”. Jarre’s music is inspired by the primal sounds of the forest, the rustling in the woods, the screaming, chattering and whistling of the animals, the singing of the birds or the rushing of the water falling from the mountains.

© Sebastião Salgado
Practical information about the exhibition

Insight into the highly recommended Salgado exhibition in the Maat Hall in Zurich West. Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
Date: 31 May to 13 August 2023
Venue: MAAG Halle Zurich, Zahnradstrasse 22, 8005 Zurich
Opening hours:
DI/MI/DO/SO: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
FR/SA: 10 am – 7 pm