In these times of Corona, you sometimes get the ceiling on your head from staying home so much. Then why not go on a hike, especially now, when spring is slowly beginning to show. Hiking through rural cultural landscapes is healthy and if you follow the recommendations of the Federal Office of Public Health, it is not forbidden. Ideas can be found in a handy booklet recently published by the Swiss Heritage Society. With 23 suggested routes, it invites you to discover the beauty and diversity of traditional agricultural landscapes. Many of them were created over centuries and are a cultural heritage in a state of great change.

Alpine meadows, chestnut groves, field barns, carp ponds and field terraces are a reminder of how imaginatively hard working generations before us used local resources to produce food and secure their livelihood. The interplay of natural and cultural features has produced a great diversity that disappears without cultivation and conscious care. Dealing with the landscape raises many questions. On one of the 23 walks you can form your own opinion about this.

Understanding landscape and buildings as a whole

What do the traditional agricultural landscapes, which are under great pressure, mean for us today? What is their care worth to us, and how can we develop them further without them degenerating into a meaningless backdrop? Settlement and cultural landscapes are inseparably linked, and both the production conditions in agriculture and the human perception of the environment are constantly changing. Man-made landscapes and the buildings that go with them always reflect the possibilities and needs of their time.

“Sweet Fruit, Golden Grain” is the second volume of “Homeland Security on the Road”

With this handy and clearly arranged booklet, the Swiss Heritage Society is continuing its successfully launched series of publications on the subject of “Cultural Landscapes”. High-quality pictures, detailed map sections, tips and variations provide the basics for travel planning, while informative short texts provide insight into the origin and characteristic features of the landscapes. The publication “Heimatschutz unterwegs” comprises 23 route sheets and an overview brochure. In addition, all hiking routes are stored on schweizmobil.

Wandern zu süssen Frühen und goldenem Korn.

The 23 hiking suggestions are distributed throughout Switzerland.

How to order:
Heimatschutz unterwegs 2 – Süsse Früchte, goldenes Korn
167 x 122 x 33 mm, Routentexte zweisprachig, je nach Region D/F oder D/I, allgemeine Texte dreisprachig D/F/I
Selling price: CHF 28.–
For members: CHF 18.–
ISBN 978-3-907209-00-4