The online platform Messy Nessy – the Cabinet of Chic Curiosities – recently published an article about a form of architecture called Duck Architecture. The kitschy roadside buildings characterised by this architecture are so named because they are shaped after the products they offer. According to the article, these buildings were particularly popular in the 20s and 30s in the form of giant coffee pots, hot dogs, ice cream cones, beer barrels, farm animals and other eye-catching buildings.

Courtesy of Messy Nessy

California Piano Supply Company – later the Big Red Piano, built around 1930

The article continues: “So who & why put the “duck” in Duck architecture? Well as it happens, there’s a very well-known building, shaped like a plump Pekin duck, that was built in 1931 by a Long Island duck farmer to sell his poultry. The unusual building helped garner much customer attention, but it was the subject of widespread criticism along with similar novelty architecture of the time, particularly during the rise of Modernism – a movement which didn’t take kindly to most pseudo-historical decor.”

Courtesy of Messy Nessy

Shutter Shak, built in 1976, offering one day film developing. Now located in Blakey Historical Park.

There is not much more to say about it. Just enjoy with a smile the many pictures you will find in the original article called “An Ode to what they call ‘Duck Architecuture’.