Now it’s finally really summer. The sun has been shining for weeks and on 21 June summer also arrived astronomically with the longest day. For all those who enjoy hiking without having to travel far away, the Tages-Anzeiger recently compiled a series of very special hiking excursions in Switzerland.

In his article, the author Oliver Leu writes: “Sometimes the most beautiful places are very close by. In Switzerland there are hiking routes through gorges, along lakeshores, over hill crests that are not far from big cities. The places tell stories – including nostalgic train rides and legendary castle ruins. Educational trails enrich some excursions and make them especially interesting for families.”

Manchmal braucht es Holzplanken, damit die Füsse trocken bleiben: Morastiger Weg im Zwäckentobel.Foto: Heinz Storrer

Sometimes you need wooden planks to keep your feet dry: A boggy path in the Zwäcken ravine. Photo: Heinz Storrer

Among the suggestions is, for example, an eleven-kilometre hike through an impressive high valley from the Mythen to Einsiedeln, characterised by water, forest and pastures, moorland and steep slopes. Or a selection of circular trails for children and adults – from the Häxewääg to a mountain hike on the Santis to the Schellen-Ursli trail. The Weisstannental in Sarganserland is also particularly recommended, where according to the author the water of the Seez seems to flow more cheerfully after falling down one of the highest waterfalls in Switzerland.

Dieser Ort liegt nur rund zehn Kilometer von Bern entfernt: Malerischer Auenwald am Südufer des Wohlensees.Foto: Heinz Storrer

This place is only about ten kilometres from Bern: picturesque floodplain forest on the southern shore of Lake Wohlensee. Photo: Heinz Storrer

The article continues with a hike along the Aare, which also reveals something about the life of people in the Middle Ages, and eleven other recommendations worth reading.