At last – after a long break due to the pandemic – master florists are once again interpreting artworks from the collection of the Aargauer Kunsthaus. Flowers for Art will take place for the first time in early summer from 21 to 26 June 2022. The eighth edition starts exactly on the summer solstice and heralds the beginning of summer at the Aargauer Kunsthaus.

Floral interpretation: Otto Mattmann, Hünenberg and Ursi Leisibach-Bucher, Römerswil Work: Alex Hanimann, Untitled, 1999/2022
Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, © 2022, ProLitteris, Zurich; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
The creations of 16 outstanding florists from different parts of the country and two international guests enter into a dialogue with the historical and contemporary works of Swiss artists.

Floral interpretation: Moira Müller-Rosselli, Arbedo Work: Francisco Sierra, Posthumous Study for OogGod, 2017 Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
For the eighth time, the floral compositions of Swiss master florists and flower experts as well as two international guests from Spain enter into a surprising dialogue with 14 contemporary works from the collection of the Aargauer Kunsthaus.
Formal Interpretation to Octave by Ilona Ruegg

Floral interpretation: Rolf Wyttenbach and Stefan Friederich, Zurich Work: Ilona Ruegg, Octave (Salto mortale 10), 1987
Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau/ Donation of Barclay SA, © 2022, ProLitteris, Zurich; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
The three-part mural Octave (Salto mortale 10) (1987) by Ilona Ruegg and its floral interpretation by the two Zurich master florists Stefan Friederich and Rolf Wyttenbach is the main visual motif of the popular public exhibition. The face in Ruegg’s triptych is based on a newspaper picture showing a trapeze artist. However, only the title of the work, Salto mortale, reminds us of the circus. The striking grid of the central section is reminiscent of honeycombs, which are echoed by the three-part floral structure of differently coloured branches.
Early summer blossoms and scents

Floral interpretation: Daniel Santamaria and Nayada Martin, Barcelona; Work: Shirana Shahbazi, Untitled II-2012, 2012, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau/ Donation of the Friends of the Aargau Art Collection; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
The rooms of the Aargauer Kunsthaus offer 14 floral interpretations of works from the collection and the current exhibition. Swiss (master) florists from all parts of the country and two star guests from Spain are involved. In contrast to the previous spring editions, the colours and scents of pre-summer blossoms will dominate the floral compositions.
Vorträge, Workshops und Pop-up-Shop

Floral interpretation: Simone Carmen Michel, Bern Work: Bruno Jakob, Breath (invisible painting), 2011 Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
Visitors can look forward to a multi-faceted accompanying programme with the popular tandem guided tours as well as exchanges with the art and floristry scene. In addition to workshops and the artist talk with Ilona Ruegg, the panel discussion “Where do our flowers come from?” invites visitors to discuss how sustainability and regionality are becoming increasingly important in the production and trade of flowers. The audience can also look forward to the talk by Florianne Koechlin, biologist and author of “Pflanzenpalaver”, who will present surprising research results on plant communication.
Detailed information on the events can be found on the Event Page of the Aargauer Kunsthauses or on the Website of Flowers to Arts.
Tickets online only and without queuing

Floral interpretation: Sandra Maarsen, Bern; Work: Ugo Rondinone, HELL, YES!, 2001; Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau/ Donation Ringier Collection, Switzerland; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
The Aargauer Kunsthaus now manages admissions by time slot. The booking of time slots and the purchase of tickets takes place exclusively online, eliminating the need to queue at the box office. Those who value an exclusive visit with a limited number of visitors can book the Special Hour on Tuesday and Sunday from 9 to 10 am. A photo-free period is scheduled for Tuesday and Saturday from 7 to 8 pm. The museum is open daily until 8 pm, except on Sunday (only until 6 pm).
About the FLOWERS TO ARTS Association

Floral interpretation: Yoann Grezet, Geneva; Work: Christine Streuli, I love you, I love you not…, 2004 Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau,© Werner Mäder, Uetikon
The exhibition is a joint project of the FLOWERS TO ARTS association and the Aargauer Kunsthaus. Through cultural events, FLOWERS TO ARTS has been promoting the connection between floristry and art since 2014. Find out more about the association at and also follow them on Facebook or Instagram.

Floral interpretation: Daniel Santamaria and Nayada Martin, Barcelona; Work: Shirana Shahbazi, Untitled II-2012, 2012; Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau/ Donation of the Friends of the Aargau Art Collection; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon