For 10 years, the Flowers to Arts association at the Aargauer Kunsthaus has successfully combined exceptional flower sculptures by master florists and floral designers with masterpieces from the museum’s collection. It was clear from the very first exhibition in March 2014 that this exhibition form is a crowd-puller.

Painting: Caroline Bachmann, 58 av. j.-C., 2020,; Floristry: Marianne Wyss, Meisterfloristin, Embrach und Monika Reiniger, Meisterfloristin, Weinfelden; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
Almost ten years have passed since then. Ten years in which spring arrives two weeks earlier in Aarau and thousands of visitors can marvel at how florists interpret works from the collection of the Aargauer Kunsthaus.

Installation: Gerda Steiner and Jörg Lenzlinger, Bergunfall, 2005; Florist: Moira Müller, Meisterfloristin, Arbedo; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
The tenth exhibition runs from March 5 to March 10, 2024 and features 14 new floral interpretations. The museum is celebrating the anniversary with a book publication that brings over 120 past works back to life.

Painting: Samuel Burri, Châlet psychédélique, 1967; Floristry: Michaux Haut, Meisterflorist, Bratislava/SK; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
The exhibition has brought new appreciation to the floristry sector in Switzerland and increased attention to the Aargauer Kunsthaus for its important collection of art from Switzerland. In a joint dialog, floristry and art enrich the exhibition calendar at the beginning of March each year with an interdisciplinary format with a broad impact.

Painting: Hans Ernst Brühlmann, Mädchen auf dem Hügel; Floristry: Massimo Bundi, Florist EFZ, Chur; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
This year, the floral compositions of Swiss master floral designers and an international guest from Bratislava enter into an exchange with 14 historical and contemporary works from the collection of the Aargauer Kunsthaus. Flowers for Art spans an arc between the two disciplines and provides surprising perspectives for viewing art.

Painting: Otto Morach, Fabrikumbau, 1916; Floristry: Angela Kaspar, Meisterflorstin, Zürich; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
The following works from the collection will be performed this year:
- Caroline Bachmann, 58 av. 1.-C., 2020
- Arnold Böcklin, Bergschloss mit Kriegerzug, 1871
- Hans Ernst Brühlmann, Mädchen auf dem Hügel, 1907
- Samuel Buri, Chalet psychedelique, 1967
- Max Matter, Höhensonne, 1971
- Giovanni Giacometti, Sera d’autunno (Herbstabend), um 1903
- Otto Morach, Fabrikumbau, 1916
- Fritz Pauli, Mondnacht bei Frauenkirch-Oavos, um 1925
- Ugo Rondinone, viertermaineunzehnhundertzweiundneunzig, 1992
- Albrecht Schnider, Ohne Titel (Portrait mit Nimbus), 2004/2005
- Bertram Schoch, Eisbären, ohne Jahr
- Gerda Steiner, Jörg Lenzlinger, Bergunfall, 2005
- Monica Studer, Christoph van den Berg, Hotel Vue des Alpes, 2000 ff
- Hugo Suter, Wolf malte da eine Gegend, 1987

Installation: Hugo Suter, Wolf malte da eine Gegend, 1987; Floristry: Manuela Bucher, Meisterfloristin, Aesch; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
The floral interpretations at this year’s show are by: Manuela Bucher (Aesch), Massimo Bundi (Chur), Mario Burkhard (Bern), Michal Haut (Bratislava/SK), Heidi Huber (Frauenfeld), Remy Jaggi (Trelex), Angela Kaspar (Zurich), Claudia Lischer (St. Moritz), Nicole Matter (Oberentfelden), Moira Müller (Arbedo), Luzia MantegazziNeurohr (Saland), Simone Serra-Helbling (Gommiswald), Severin Stadler & Isabelle Becker (Zug), Marianne Wyss (Embrach) & Monika Reitinger (Weinfelden)

Installation: Max Matter, Höhensonne, 1971; Floristry: Mario Burkhard, Florist EFZ, Bern; Photo © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
Publication «Blumen für die Kunst” on the occasion of the 10th anniversary

A publication has been released for the 2024 anniversary edition, which features 125 floral interpretations of the collection’s works, each of which only popped up for six days per year only. Several essays from the perspective of art and floristry provide an insight into the making and creation of the popular exhibition.
Published by NZZ Libro, in bookshops and museum stores from March 5. Contributions by Franziska Baetcke, Silja Burch, Rudolf Velhagen, Marianne Wyss, 288 p., format 22 x 31 cm, ISBN 978-3-907396-68-1
You can pre-order the book here.

Painting: Bertram Schoch, Eisbären, ohne Jahr; Floristry: Simone Serra-Helblin, Meisterfloristin, Gommiswald; Photo: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
Accompanying program / Tickets
The exhibition is open from March 5 to 10, Tuesday to Thursday from 9 am to 8 pm and Friday to Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm.
Advance booking
All tickets are only available in advance. Please use our ticket store or the advance booking office aarau info. There is no box office. You can find instructions for the ticket store here.
Public guided tours with art historians, florists and flower artists
The interdisciplinary guided tours guarantee a new way of looking at things and decode the entire spectrum of the interplay between flowers and art for you.
Visitors can look forward to a multifaceted accompanying program with the popular tandem tours and exchanges with the art and floristry scene. Guided tours for people with visual and hearing impairments are also on offer. Workshops and discussions between artists and florists round off the extensive program.
Detailed information on the events can be found on the website of the Aargauer Kunsthaus or at Flowers to Arts.
Talk about with international star florist and artist talks, art & floristry
Workshops for adults and families