We provide the best services in Real estate

Family retreat only footsteps from the city center.

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Fusce convallis metus id felis

Curabitur vestibulum aliquam leo. Duis lobortis massa imperdiet quam. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui.

01 / 05
Suspendisse non nisl sit amet
02 / 05
Shipbuilding Penthouse in Zürich
03 / 05
04 / 05
Aenean ut eros et nisl
05 / 05
Maecenas egestas arcu quis ligula Pellentesque posuere.

”We find the perfect match for your exclusive realestate in Swizerland and wordwide, with christies.”

by Herbert Wüst

Our Service

Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.

about us

Exclusive Real estate since more than 50 years Exclusive Real estate since more than 50 yearsExclusive Real estate since more than 50 years

We are specialists

We are specialised in the marketing of properties in the German-speaking area of Switzerland. Please contact us to enquire about properties which are not displayed on our website. We market ‘Off-Market’ properties and present them to interested parties based on the best match with their search criteria. Press button to see our international properties.

Featured blog entries

Zweitwohnung mit Fernbedienung.

Manchmal kann man mit kleinen Dingen Grosses bewirken. „Make Heat Simple“ zeigt, wie man in wenigen Schritten den Energieverbrauch einer Zweit- oder Ferienwohnung drastisch senken kann – und so schon nach wenigen Jahren Geld sparen kann. Moderne Kommunikationstechnologie spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle.

Street Photography – eine Kunstform mit langer Tradition.

Street Photography prägt bereits seit Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts die Sparte der künstlerischen Foografie. Seither findet man hervorragende Street Photography vor allem in Amerika, Japan und England. Christie’s stellt in seinem Online-Magazin luxurydefined einen Vertreter dieser Kunstrichtung vor.

Diskretion und Professionalität als Erfolgsfaktoren.

Warum Diskretion im Segment des hochwertigen Wohneigentums so wichtig ist und worauf man beim Kauf oder Verkauf einer aussergewöhnlichen Liegenschaft besonders achten muss, lesen Sie im Interview mit Beat Hürlimann, Geschäftsführer von Wüst und Wüst mit NZZ Residence.

Herrliberg. Rare Opportunity. 2019
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More than half a century

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Who we are

Meet our team
Beat Hürlimann
Leiter, Zug
+41 41 727 53 88 beat.huerlimann@wuw.ch LinkedIn
Daniela Büecheler
Beratung, Küsnacht / Zürich
+41 44 388 58 55 daniela.bueecheler@wuw.ch LinkedIn
Raphael Fischer
Leiter, Küsnacht / Zürich
+41 44 388 58 97 raphael.fischer@wuw.ch LinkedIn

Left img

Fusce convallis

Vestibulum suscipit nulla quis orci

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No background teaser - In ac felis quis tortor

Lakeside living in Vitznau.

This stylishly constructed 5.5-room attic apartment has a floor space of approximately 180 m². From the cosy ambiance of the open-plan living and dining area (with fireplace) there is direct access to the part-covered sun terrace (85 sq.m), from which you can admire the wonderful views over the lake and mountains.
Enjoy life on Lake Lucerne in a community where others spend their holidays.

Weiterlesen Weiterlesen

Municipality of Mels

A villa with southern charme in front of eastern Swiss scenes

Because of the combination of finest materials, this villa has a very special flair. An elegance with a clear and straight design can also be found In their own park. Tuscan columns, cypresses and other exquisite plants complete the mediterranean concept.

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We will provide you with comfort

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores.

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Kanton Schwyz

A stunning villa with unparalleled views over the whole Lake Zurich.

A premium property in an unparalleled, panoramic location with a modern architectural design, high quality construction and lovingly designed interior.

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CONSULTING - Content module Where others see a house, we see a home.

Where others see clients, we see individuals.

We are active marketers and as such we are the first to feel the mood of the market and see the trends and changes as they develop: in the harsh winds of real estate marketing, in direct contact with prospective buyers. We offer this knowledge to property developers and support them in setting up the concept for new projects so a marketable development can be created.

Knowing the needs of the future occupants, we use our knowledge about the market and our experience in the execution of sales processes as well as the management of real estate in close teamwork with investors, architects, planners and specialists right from the start of the planning process. Small details and creative solutions can in the end decide on the success of a project. As active marketers we know the target group and understand their needs, as we are in contact with them daily.

Off-Market marketing.

Would you like to discreetly market your exclusive property to a select group of potential buyers? To interested parties whose search criteria match your unique property? Please contact us to discuss our ‘Off-Market’ marketing services.

We enjoy a reputation for being a reliable and professional partner, offering you discretion and a highly probable sale of your home without an online presence.


H1: Off-Market marketing.

H2: Off-Market marketing.

H3: Off-Market marketing.

H4:Off-Market marketing.

H5: Off-Market marketing.

Are you interested in this property?

If you got interested in this property please contact Lars Gabriel for more information.

Did you find something interesting?

If you find something interesting for you please contact Isabel Eisel for more information.
Raphael Fischer
Leiter, Küsnacht / Zürich
+41 44 388 58 97

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